Archived: Contra
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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11/08/06 6:35 am | #1
Contra is now available boys and girls. Will have to take a GoW break when I get home and play some contra. This is a great old school title.
Re: Contra
11/08/06 7:33 am | #2
It is marked as released. I played before work this morning and almost was late for work

Re: Contra
11/08/06 8:53 am | #3
That's why I only downloaded it, got the full version and then shut down the console! Otherwise, I know I would have been late.
Re: Contra
11/09/06 1:50 am | #4
I stayed up until 5:00 AM for this. It sucks! Konami and their stupid modifications. The game is way too easy now. You can change the graphics from enhanced to original, but I notice no difference. This, along with all of the other games Konami brought to the marketplace just sucks (with the exception of few, such as Galaga). The screen ratio is terrible. The game is nothing like the orignal. They changed the levels, and made it simple, with the ability to contine. I noticed the levels were different and the wall in the first level was a hell of a lot easier.
Newer gamers may not notice the change, but what about us, who grew up playing these games. Im sure many would agree with me, and want only the original version.
Newer gamers may not notice the change, but what about us, who grew up playing these games. Im sure many would agree with me, and want only the original version.
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