Archived: Clans!
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
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Re: Clans!
11/24/08 8:40 pm | #47
Nick, you got a download of that Hannah Montanna shit? I need to burn a CD. My dad loves her, what a great Christmas gift!
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 8:43 pm | #49
Damn, he asked you too? I was gonna over-pay for one of them to help support his cause.
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 8:44 pm | #50
but you could prolly ask kev or guy for some. they have like what, 20 copies of every cd? mostlikely more...they should be able to spare a copy....or just get one from their HM group members on halo 3
but you could prolly ask kev or guy for some. they have like what, 20 copies of every cd? mostlikely more...they should be able to spare a copy....or just get one from their HM group members on halo 3
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:16 pm | #51
I did. Kevin was too busy asking me some pretty disturbing questions
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:17 pm | #52
and showing you midget porn..
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:18 pm | #53
Quote by PSORaine:
I think he has all her movies... he was asking me if my son wanted one for christmas... I wondered what was up with that...
In all seriousness, that show is hilarious.
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:19 pm | #55
Quote by PSORaine:
my son thinks he's going to marry her one day...
It's weird.
It's weird.
she goes for them older boyz according to the tabloids lolol
tell him he can marry her sister
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:21 pm | #56
Quote by PSORaine:
my son thinks he's going to marry her one day...
It's weird.
It's weird.
One of my friends in 4th grade used to think that about Brittney Spears.
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:24 pm | #57
Quote by MDub93:
One of my friends in 4th grade used to think that about Brittney Spears.
betcha he still thinks that

he prolly loved when she shaved her head...
@meg - hannah has a sister?
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:25 pm | #58
yeah, she's like 8!
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:27 pm | #59
well i learned something new today....
Re: Clans!
11/24/08 9:29 pm | #60
Raine, that's like perfect age for your 5 year old! She's a couple years older but men need order women, in some cases! Since girls are goddesses and so much more mature, we keep guys in check!!!!!!!