Archived: Call of duty 3
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Call of duty 3
11/05/09 11:13 am | #1
i need something to play that's not COD4:MW (i'm getting a little sick of the multiplayer and i did the campaign (no interest in repeating)) and i saw this game for cheap and was wondering if it could hold me till Tuesday. any thoughts?
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 11:24 am | #2
I've heard a lot of people didn't like 3 but mostly because it was made by Treyach. I've played 2, 3, 4 and WaW and my opinion is it's not that bad of a game, and I've played some really crappy games. Veteran can get a little frustrating but it's suppose to be. It's veteran for crying out loud. But it's do-able.
Keep in mind I've only played the single payer game and not the multiplayer so I have no idea how that plays.
Keep in mind I've only played the single payer game and not the multiplayer so I have no idea how that plays.
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 11:30 am | #3
Quote by Mr Awesome2319:
i need something to play that's not COD4:MW (i'm getting a little sick of the multiplayer and i did the campaign (no interest in repeating)) and i saw this game for cheap and was wondering if it could hold me till Tuesday. any thoughts?
If you want achievements play 2 on veteran for the 1000, you should be able to get it done before tuesday. If you want better playability but harder achievement to attain get cod3, is this game you can actually sprint and the controls work much smoother. all around all the cod games have the same feel but cod2 is a little shaky. your call.. hope this helps
Re: Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 12:15 pm | #4
Quote by ohjay08:
Keep in mind I've only played the single payer game and not the multiplayer so I have no idea how that plays.
no mutiplayer for me just a single player.
Re: Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 12:15 pm | #5
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mr Awesome2319:
i need something to play that's not COD4:MW (i'm getting a little sick of the multiplayer and i did the campaign (no interest in repeating)) and i saw this game for cheap and was wondering if it could hold me till Tuesday. any thoughts?
If you want achievements play 2 on veteran for the 1000, you should be able to get it done before tuesday. If you want better playability but harder achievement to attain get cod3, is this game you can actually sprint and the controls work much smoother. all around all the cod games have the same feel but cod2 is a little shaky. your call.. hope this helps
thanks. i just might get 3...
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 8:15 pm | #6
i ended up not getting 3. i got Prey for 4 dollars instead.
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 9:24 pm | #7
COD 2 > COD 3 and Prey!
In my opinion..

Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 10:25 pm | #8
K well I gotta question. Which is better cod2 or cod3? I've always wanted to try mp on one of the games but I'm not sure which one is better
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 10:41 pm | #9
i love all the cod games.
when it comes to the campaign, shit... it's cod. lol.
you're going to have fun either way.
when it comes to difficulty...
cod2>codW@W>cod3>cod4. on veteran i mean.
i don't play any cod online.
if you're looking for fun online play i'd suggest 4, although 3 has online achievements. if ANYONE wants to boost those eventually hit me up. i have no idea when i'll get around to it but i will some day.
when it comes to the campaign, shit... it's cod. lol.
you're going to have fun either way.
when it comes to difficulty...
cod2>codW@W>cod3>cod4. on veteran i mean.
i don't play any cod online.
if you're looking for fun online play i'd suggest 4, although 3 has online achievements. if ANYONE wants to boost those eventually hit me up. i have no idea when i'll get around to it but i will some day.
Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 10:54 pm | #10
on cod3 play with a shit load of people play ctf ad each match you can gain 500 to 1000 pts each match.
Re: Re: Call of duty 3
11/05/09 11:19 pm | #11
Quote by Crustyhippy:
COD 2 > COD 3 and Prey!
In my opinion..

but Prey for 4 dollars? that's hard to beat.
Re: Re: Re: Call of duty 3
11/06/09 12:21 am | #12
Quote by Mr Awesome2319:
Quote by Crustyhippy:
COD 2 > COD 3 and Prey!
In my opinion..

but Prey for 4 dollars? that's hard to beat.
Unless you've played Prey. I found the game to suck. It's not so bad on the easy level. but when you play through on Cherokee you'll be playing the death mini game a lot. And I mean a lot.

But if you want to boost the multiplayer hit me up and I can help with that.

Re: Call of duty 3
11/06/09 12:25 am | #13
And it's pretty gross. Watch out for the vagina walls and diarrhea holes.
Re: Call of duty 3
11/06/09 12:29 am | #14
CoD2 MP is fucking awesome. sure comparing the game to newer versions like MW n W@W it makes it look like shit, but for a early release game its still great. only thing i dont like about it is that when using a sniper like the Kar98k /with or without the scope or the springfield its all one hit kills, you dont get to injure them, as far as i remember anyway. dam thinking back i miss playing that game in tangia (i think thats the lvl), altho moscow always made my game freeze :|
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