Archived: Buy one get one 50% off at Target
Posted Under: Hot Deals!
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Buy one get one 50% off at Target
07/23/09 2:31 pm | #1
I just got back from Target and they have this deal on every Xbox 360 game in stock, price range of $14.99 to $189.99. I picked up Fable 2 and Gears 2 for 60 bucks.
Re: Buy one get one 50% off at Target
07/23/09 2:32 pm | #3
Damn... is the entire chain doing this?
Re: Re: Buy one get one 50% off at Target
07/23/09 2:42 pm | #5
Quote by Blackmagic16:
Damn... is the entire chain doing this?
I'm not sure, but its definitely worth checking out. It didn't say if was only the Florence, Kentucky one or not. Then again I don't know why it would.
Re: Buy one get one 50% off at Target
07/23/09 3:13 pm | #7
check mine here in texas, they are doing it as well
Re: Buy one get one 50% off at Target
07/23/09 3:28 pm | #8
How long is this promo running, any idea?
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