Archived: Burnout Paradise
Posted Under: Gaming
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Burnout Paradise
05/15/08 1:21 am | #1
Hey everyone. I only need 1 billboard in Palm Bay Heights. I have no idea where to look. Anyone got any suggestions????
Re: Burnout Paradise
05/15/08 6:03 pm | #2
Go ask Brucie. (don't forget the motion lotion).........JK
Re: Burnout Paradise
05/15/08 9:51 pm | #3
My advice would be to hit up some walkthrough sites for BURNOUT
I'm sure they would have a location of each bulletin.
But thats just my opinion. Hope you find it.
My advice would be to hit up some walkthrough sites for BURNOUT

I'm sure they would have a location of each bulletin.
But thats just my opinion. Hope you find it.
Re: Burnout Paradise
06/01/08 2:56 pm | #4
There is a website called where they have maps for smashes, jumps, billboards, showtime, everything. It helped me a lot.
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