Closed: Best Sig?
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Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:08 pm | #109
I haven't ruined it.. I've broomed it! *Almost rhyme...?*
Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:09 pm | #111
uh oh, no smiley, he's serious
Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:10 pm | #113
SHIT! No smileys!? I'm a doctor, not a smileycologist..
Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:10 pm | #115

Re: Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:11 pm | #116
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
But were only getting warmed up Shock. I've only begun to get pissed off.
and bc you've donated 100 makes you moderator?
Re: Best Sig?
08/05/09 10:12 pm | #119
Hey.. I haven't donated any, does that mean I get to make anyone's life hell?