Archived: Badge for being a chick?
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Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/27/09 7:51 am | #91
Hmmm..... I want an Alcohol Badge. Hell, even people from AA get a Sobriety Coin Chip. I just want a badge that lets everyone know that I'm an
Re: Re: Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/29/09 3:19 am | #92
Quote by Taco:
Quote by xJollyLlama:
While we're debating badges for things we can't choose, or work on..
I want a badge for being Jewish.
I want a badge for being Jewish.
then i want a badge for being a Nazi...
lolololololl jk xD
i LOVE IT. lol
Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/29/09 5:40 am | #93
how did so many people fall for the chicken heart? did no one watch "Waiting"?
Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/29/09 2:00 pm | #94
I haven't fallen for the chicken heart ... and since I've figured out what all the talk was about I doubt I will. >.>
Re: Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/29/09 2:31 pm | #95
Quote by specVSERious:
how did so many people fall for the chicken heart? did no one watch "Waiting"?
several people has fallen for the chicken heart and more will fall for it, i have gotten the same guy here in town 3 times in 1 day lol
Quote by Estemii:
I haven't fallen for the chicken heart ... and since I've figured out what all the talk was about I doubt I will. >.>
darlin you aint got to worry bout fallin for the CK HT, i dont send it to "nice" girls lol
now you show me a B***H and ill show her a CK HT lol
Re: Badge for being a chick?
10/29/09 3:16 pm | #96
I'll keep that in mind.