So anyways, I haven\'t turned on my 360 very much at all. Actually, the only thing I\'ve really done with it for the past two weeks is download Undertow; gotta get my compensation! I\'ve found myself resorting to the PSP for the very reason that it is portable and perfect to play in between classes. Where\'s the 360 Portable Microsoft, WHERE?!
Before I get off track, I\'ve tried to make it to the site at least once a day, I didn\'t want anyone to think I was shirking my duties and got too good for the board now that I\'m staff

So, to all my college-going folk out there, what are you taking up/when do you expect to graduate? And, so no one feels left out, to all the grade-schoolers, what are you thinking of taking up in college?
I\'m studying Computer Networking, and should receive my Associate\'s Degree at the end of the semester. However, I\'ve taken a new course this semester that was never offered before: Computer Forensics. It\'s basically explains the legalities behind computer crime, how to perform an examination on a suspect computer, that sort of stuff. Really cool. Apparently it\'s part of a new program offered; half computers, half criminal justice.
Anyways, after I receive my Networking degree, I plan to transfer to a four-year college and go for my Bachelor\'s. However not too many schools in the area offer a four year degree in networking, so I\'m going to be paying for it....big time...
The one time in your life you finally want to go to school, and they charge you out the @$$ for it! Oh well, whatcha gonna do?