Archived: Awards Reinstalled
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Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:29 pm | #347
Hell no, that'll just make this even spammier than it is.
Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:37 pm | #349
Quote by Lady Evol:
Why? That would just encourage spamming and pointless posts. Someone comes on every day for 10 days and posts "LOL" in random places or bumps stupid threads and writes like "I agree" u_u If we were going to do something like that, Boobs would have to make some kind of rating system for posts... like thumbs up and thumbs down... and only posts with average thumbs up would count towards that.
Quote by Mike93:
Hell no, that'll just make this even spammier than it is.
Oh wait was that almost a one word post?

No I really thing the 1000 posts should be the only award for posting. It seems silly to me to have to worry about random crap thrown on the boards just so someone can get a little award by their name (Jackson I love the awards, don't take any of mine away

/Rant Over
Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:44 pm | #351
Quote by Lady Evol:
The old award system used to be... sparser. 1k posts, donation, beta testing... CS??? I don't remember them all, but yeah. The award boosting can get kind of...
You know...

Yeah... forum spamming is starting to be a tad annoying.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:47 pm | #353
yea like the other night when Puck had the last post on the top 13 threads in the last 25 screen. i guess 1000 posts was that important to him that if he didnt get it right then he might crap himself. that was annoying.
Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:50 pm | #356
I agree.
Re: Re: Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:52 pm | #358
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by orange20:
yea like the other night when Puck had the last post on the top 13 threads in the last 25 screen. i guess 1000 posts was that important to him that if he didnt get it right then he might crap himself. that was annoying.
lol! I've done that before, just because there have been times when I was posting that no one else was on, or posting... you have to look at the actual content of the posts over the quantity sometimes. If he was going down the list just posting "lol" or "idk" or "I agree" then yeah, that's post count boosting.

oh i checked them bc i couldnt sleep and i was bored. they were i agree, or def thinking about gettin that, or some other random shit. it was all in a 10 min time one post every min or less. it was pissin me off bc i was trying to catch up on shit and he kept posting random shit and mixing up the threads i was going through.
if i knew how to do quotes from other threads i would post them all here. they were lame he even admitted to boosting it up so he could get his award
Re: Awards Reinstalled
07/30/09 9:57 pm | #360
Quote by orange20:
Quote by KnuckPuck:
i would boost but i dont have any games to boost
* This is my 1000 post
* This is my 1000 post
its not to hard when u type a message that is 1 sec long in every thread on the top 25
Quote by KnuckPuck:
sorry i was like 10 away from 1000 and i just wanted to get it
this was in the Boosting Partners thread if neone was interested.
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