Archived: AsTrO A40
Posted Under: Gaming
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AsTrO A40
06/23/08 6:41 pm | #1
I keep seeing ad's on the webpage...has anyone ever used these? I'm thinking very seriously about buying me a pair and I wanted to get some feedback from you guys.
Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 3:46 am | #2
PHATCODYLEE is retarded
that funny enough for ya cody? LOL
figured since no one was going to help...I would threadjack MY OWN thread
that funny enough for ya cody? LOL
figured since no one was going to help...I would threadjack MY OWN thread

Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 3:58 am | #4
cody told me to post something funny, lol....the was all i could come up with at the moment, been a rough day, lol
Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 6:47 am | #5
Quote by kiddcartel:
I'm thinking very seriously about buying me a pair.
THEN Raine might stop calling you a girl!!
lol Sorry Kidd, I couldn't resist!
Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 8:35 am | #6
oh so another person has seen them
mlg has a pair which are incredibly nice
ive tried a pair and it seems a lot better then the standard mic
id say buy one
mlg has a pair which are incredibly nice
ive tried a pair and it seems a lot better then the standard mic
id say buy one
Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 12:40 pm | #7
Hey Evol......try shutting up for a change....LMAO!!!!
that was a good one though, lol
Thanks random, I keep seeing there ads on the 360voice site but I never really heard anybody talk about them...I will pick me up a pair of the headphones once i get my next outage.
that was a good one though, lol
Thanks random, I keep seeing there ads on the 360voice site but I never really heard anybody talk about them...I will pick me up a pair of the headphones once i get my next outage.
Re: AsTrO A40
06/24/08 8:35 pm | #8
hmmm....that post had great taste....less filling....and posted to perfection....just lovely!!!
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