Archived: Alright who wants some..100K
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Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/10/09 9:21 pm | #16
Congratz bro. But you still gotts to refresh your date. lol your still at 99980. haha
Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/11/09 1:39 am | #17
Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/11/09 2:35 am | #18
It looks so beautiful... if only my gamertag were in your place!
Congratulations on that landmark achievement. How does it feel?
Congratulations on that landmark achievement. How does it feel?
Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/11/09 3:21 pm | #19
Yea, congrats Repo!
Re: Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/12/09 5:06 am | #21
Quote by istakebroad:
It looks so beautiful... if only my gamertag were in your place! Congratulations on that landmark achievement. How does it feel?
It feels real goooood! I am still waiting for my certificate from Microsoft though
Re: Re: Alright who wants some..100K
05/12/09 10:27 am | #23
Quote by majority ru1e:
now you can run around the house in your xbox boxers doing the happy dance haha good job repo!!!
It's really sad, but I have a pair of xbox 360 flannel sleep pants that I picked up at Kohls a couple years ago. They seemed like such a good idea at the time.
Congrats on 100k. Now get busy on 200k.