First off...Buy or rent?
-I honestly believe that this is $60 good. But on the other hand, I would rather have gameflyed it. I don't see much reply value out of this game. You run through the story line on Normal, than you could run through the same story on hard. The secret achievements have not been posted so I cannot verify if you get an achievement for both Normal and Hard playthroughs. So if anyone stumbles along the secret achievies...let me know please.
-The game to me has kind of a feel that "The Darkness" had. You make all kinds of combinations with the items that you pick up and use them to fight everything that comes your way, and get various achievements for the different combos you make. I really enjoy that fact. The gameplay also is a little Darkness'ish, but I loved that game and so far I am liking this one as well. It let's you switch from 3rd person, to 1st person anytime you want just by a push of the button.
-the graphics on this game are really good, but not great. The cinematics on the game although are very well done. If you watch all of them through each "episode" without skipping, you get an achievement. One thing I did think was cool was if you leave the game and go to the main menu (after saving of course).Whenever you decide to pick the game back up and play where you left off, it introduces everything like a television sitcom sequel ( "Previously On 24" ) I thought that was cool and different.
-Like I said, from they haven't posted the Secret Achievements for them just yet, but I'm still searching for them to see if they are out there somewhere. But from the ones I look at, it shouldn't be too hard to get all the ones posted from just one playthrough. A lot of them are "burn this...burn that" "destroy this...destroy all of that" and then there are the combination achievements that you get from combining things in your arsenal (which happens to be your inside coat pockets).
All in far, this game is pretty good. I would recommend it as a rental though, as long as you have time set aside to finish it.

Like I said, this was my first reveiw ever so please dont flame me for it, lol.