Archived: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
Posted Under: Gaming
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Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 3:57 am | #2
Wow that guy's a dick!!! I'm about a year away from having my programming dergree and really hoping I don't end up with a company like that....It really sucks too because Activison for the most part makes reallly good games.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 9:12 am | #3
Epic Fail.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 9:21 am | #4
Wow, that guy is such a douche. I'd like to beat him down with one of my old Guitar Hero guitars.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 10:01 am | #5
WOW, dick.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 10:03 am | #6
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 11:59 am | #7
That will just take the fun out of the games... bad idea.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 1:14 pm | #8
^agree with every comment made.
this guy needs to be fired before something bad happens.
this guy needs to be fired before something bad happens.
Re: Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 1:25 pm | #9
Quote by XxTime:
That will just take the fun out of the games... bad idea.
I agree. He is taking the fun out of video games. I'm planning on being a video game tech. If is plan goes ahead. I will be screwed. He should be fired.
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 3:58 pm | #10
This pisses me off. I understand video games are still a business. But seriously....
Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 4:14 pm | #11
I'm telling you, I made a thread a little while back titled another "Activision/GH Fail". We should just "sticky" it so all these topics can be thrown under one thread. It seems like every week we get a new thread about the dipshits at Activision doing something else to piss off the gaming community.
This guy sounds like a real jackass. Fuck him!

Re: Activison CEO wants to "take the fun out of making games"
09/16/09 4:52 pm | #12
wow, what a fucking douche bag.
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