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Suck it microsoft!!!! I got the upper hand now!!!! Let me explain. I have a halo 3 special addition 360. I have had horrid times with it overheating and flashing 2 red lights. It has also pooped out and shown 1 red light and 4 red lights. I've had to keep my apartment at a cool 40 degrees in order to game with out a shut down. Last night I am playing NCAA football 10 and it powers down on me. I call microsoft support and explain the deal and they say my repair is 100 dollars and not free. So I go online and fill out the repair request form and lie. I put down that it RROD'd on me and I wasn't charged the 100 dollars. I started sweating it today about them keeping my 360 and not sending it back after they find out it is merely overheating and not RROD. I just got off work and went to play football. It freezes on me in the 1st quarter and the screen goes all wacky. I shut it down and turn it back on. It shows me 1 red light, than 2, and now 3. SO I GET MY REPAIR FOR FREE!!!!! This is my first RROD and I am happy as can be!! Tomorrow I get my coffin and in 1-2 weeks I get a new 360!!! I am stoked
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