With a simple button layout and control style even the most casual gamer could take on this XBLA game and probably get the 12 achievements worth 200 gamerscore in anywhere between an hour to two hours. The game is reasonably priced at 400 MS points (5 dollars for the noobs).
The graphics really give you that nostalgic feel and when you play it you can almost imagine what your parents or relatives felt like when they were playing this bottom scroller. The controls as mentioned are very simple with the left joystick the only means of navigating your space ship left or right to dodge alien attacks and ships. The fire button being A or B (rapid fire) and that's really all that needs to be said.

The levels get progressively harder but this game is a lot of fun, the replay value is also rather high because you can start from different levels already beaten making this game very relaxing because if you mess up, just start over at the same level! I give the game a 7.0 out of 10 for that great vintage feel.
Well if anyone else has anything to add, feel free to discuss it here and play the demo first if you don't believe how fun it is.