Archived: 3rd person vs 1st person
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: 3rd person vs 1st person
05/07/11 3:34 am | #16
Let me just put it this way, every game I've ever played that was 3rd person would've been a million times more enjoyable if it was first person, including Mass Effect.
Re: Re: Re: 3rd person vs 1st person
05/07/11 3:42 am | #18
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by AJ:
Let me just put it this way, every game I've ever played that was 3rd person would've been a million times more enjoyable if it was first person, including Mass Effect.
blasphemy....i need a sanctuary to shield me from this nonsense
you tellin me that GTA would be better in 1st person?
Oh my god yes. Any game would be better in 1st person. If I could make games my way, I'd just have a call of duty guy in EVERY shooter ever. Call of Duty 4 that is, there hasn't been a game since that game that has moved as fluidly and smooth and cod4. It was just perfect. Every shooter I've played since then, sucked.
Re: 3rd person vs 1st person
05/07/11 3:43 am | #19
Meh I can't see a game like Mass Effect or GTA even working in 1st person, but who cares cause they're in 3rd person so deal with it
they're the ones making millions of dollars on the games not us