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Archived: 360 stolen

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: 360 stolen
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oh snap then, w@w wouldve been something i suggested

but ok, just hit me w/ an invite for gow2 (just message me first, cause ill prolly be on w@w or l4d first, so message me and ill prolly say yes and join the game) but cool...

but ive got 800 mPoints waiting to be turned into a new gamertag, but idk what....it needs to have taco...i think ill make another thread about that tho :p

Deleted User

Re: 360 stolen
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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meh, idk. ill go make a topic and out what i find the best gt ideas in the first post, then do like a tournament of names or something till i narrow it down to 2, then make a poll for those two :yes:

to the off topic board!
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