o sorry i tough u were black, he never talked again that match
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Posted Under: Gaming
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12/07/07 4:35 pm | #1
wow, when i was playing halo 3 i was in matchmaking, and some random guy on my team said, yo whats up Kamikaze, i said nuthin, and he says...
o sorry i tough u were black, he never talked again that match
o sorry i tough u were black, he never talked again that match
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12/07/07 4:36 pm | #2
he wanted to meet some black friends!
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12/07/07 5:11 pm | #3
ya its proven that normal black men play better then blind white men
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12/07/07 6:53 pm | #4
Black people play better halo its a fact!!! I'm Cuban and Jamaican so I'm half Latino and Black so I'm only have good

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12/07/07 8:38 pm | #5
idk about halo but ive played with some who are crazy at gears. and then theres the ones who always chose me to run distraction. grr.
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