XbA Weekly News Recap 5/13/2012 - 5/20/2012

That's right all, its time for another installment of the Weekly News Recap...sure, it could probably be considered the bi-monthly news recap at this point, but who's counting? The biggest news of the past week? Probably that Max Payne 3 came bullet dodging onto shelves. Check out my in-depth review, and discuss your thoughts/reactions on the game here!
Bethesda's highly teased upcoming title Dishonored got a solid release date this week: October 9th. The screenshots, released a few weeks ago, look gorgeous, and the story seems to have a lot of potential. More on that title as it arrives. Xbox owners using Time Warner for their cable needs will be happy to learn that an agreement has been made, and the HBO Go app now supports Time Warner cable customers. So go catch up on Game of Thrones and prepare for True Blood next month!
Paramore headlined the past week's Rock Band release, and the Deal of the Week featured lots of Kinect-based XBLA games. Iron Maiden will also be seeing Rock Band this week, as six tracks are dropping tomorrow.
But wait, there's more! Fans of the Walking Dead game can get a sneak peek at what the full achievement list will look like via the PS3 Trophies site. And, if you're up for even more news, Episode 3 of Kat's Korner has been out for a bit, but warrants a mention and certainly worth a read!
This week starts out right with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier dropping tomorrow, along with Dragon's Dogma. Stay tuned for any info pertaining to those titles, and let us know if they're worth a review. As always, if there is something you feel warrants some news coverage, submit an article, or drop us a tip to check out. Be sure to subscribe to XbA's Twitter feed via @xboxamerica and remember, stay classy XbA!