Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mudkip:
These bundles are getting out of hand
It's just because they want to get the 250gb HDD out. They should just make it available to everyone. These 'bundles' are just elites with a bigger harddrive, nothing special about them. The MW2 deal was the only one I would've considered getting but my console is perfectly fine.
They only want to make the 250GB HDD exclusive to special edition consoles. I personally could care less as my 120GB still has 80GB Free. If they wanted to "get it out there" they would.
I think its so stupid to constantly have limited edition consoles with the exception to attract new customers who don't already own a 360. Unless both of my 360s crap out and I am completely out of warranty on both I have no designs to purchase another 360 and even if I do I have enough remotes, and hard drives that I will just buy a stinking arcade version (or maybe a pro version just for fun).
Oh well. I guess if you are a big Splinter Cell fan and need a new 360 this is really good news