Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Is Multiplatform

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm was released in November of 2008 , the fighting system had fans jumping in excited , sadly enough though ... it was a PS3 exclusive. XBOX had to suffer with Rise of a Ninja and The Broken Bonds , granted the free roam aspect of both games were amazing and had a decent list of playable characters , everything else about it failed in comparison to Ninja Storm.
Over a year as passed since then and it has been announced that the next game will be multi-platform to the PS3 and XBOX 360. Its set to hit retailers in Japan in the 4th quarter of this year however the US may have to wait a little longer before we get it on our consoles. From observation , Namco Bandai doesnt release any Naruto games that isnt up to date with the manga or anime in the US, according to one of the newer scans below Sasuke is wearing an Akatsuki jacket which is about right since the Japanese anime is about at that point right now, however the US is far far behind right now and we may have to wait possibly a year before we get it ... hopefully sooner , but we can only hope
But at least were getting the game so look forward to it