If you are a fan of anime you’ll probably like HALO LEGENDS. If you are a Halo nut, you'll most likely love it. HALO LEGENDS is due to hit store shelves next Tuesday, February 16.
Halo Legends available on Blu-Ray, DVD and on Demand.
This 8 episode anthology of 10-15 minute length each, explores the origin and historical events of the HALO universe, and various characters inhabiting the world. Each of the 8 episodes will be created by a separate prominent Japanese anime producer.
Loaded with bonus materials, including all the great extras from the 2-disc Special Edition as well as "Halo: The Story so Far," an overview of the Halo universe up until the end of Halo 3.
Contains Halo Legends, a seven-story anthology - told across eight spectacular episodes – that explores the origin and historical events of the Halo universe and its intriguing characters.
DVD Speical Edition-$23.95
In addition to Halo Legends, the 2-Disc Special Edition contains several hours of incredible bonus features, including audio commentary with directors Frank O’Connor and Joseph Chou, "The Making of Halo Legends," and "Halo: Gaming Evolved" which explains the Halo phenomenon from its inception as an Xbox video game to a present day entertainment franchise.
Not sure what is price for demand yet.