Archived: Article Discussion: E3 2014 News Thread
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Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 1:30 pm | #106
^^^ The Dead Rising DLC is already out. There are quite a few gameplay videos out there to give you a better idea what it's like.
Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 3:40 pm | #107
final fantasy type 0 announced for xbox one and ps4
Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 5:15 pm | #108
I don't see the hype in releasing Halo over and over and over again.
Re: Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 5:37 pm | #110
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I don't see the hype in releasing Halo over and over and over again.
Because it sells over and over and over again
I believe that's why Microsoft keeps releasing it. My statement was about the hype. You get hyped and excited for it because it keeps selling?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 6:53 pm | #112
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I believe that's why Microsoft keeps releasing it. My statement was about the hype. You get hyped and excited for it because it keeps selling?
Ah I see. I don't really get it either, I've never really understood what everybody sees in the series. Always seemed like a generic shooter to me.
I think the game is fun and all, but what if activision starts re-releasing cod's left and right? This isn't a trend I want to see. I rather see more work put into new IP's.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 7:05 pm | #113
Quote by Irish patriot x:
Quote by BIGP 6:
Ah I see. I don't really get it either, I've never really understood what everybody sees in the series. Always seemed like a generic shooter to me.
I think the game is fun and all, but what if activision starts re-releasing cod's left and right? This isn't a trend I want to see. I rather see more work put into new IP's.
There's a rumor going around they are going to release modern warfare 1-3 collection this year, but only the single player campaigns lol.
Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 7:58 pm | #114
I'm looking forward to Halo, Battlefield, GTA 5, Destiny, and Forza out of this so far. Project Spark and Sunset Overdrive might be of my interest as well.
Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 8:00 pm | #115
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Halo: The Master Chief Collection has me more excited for a video game release than I've been in years! The ability to play all of the maps from each game in matchmaking (which is over 100 maps) all on their own respective engines, is more than I could have asked of 343. MAD props to them for doing this
And let's not forget it'll have Halo 2 Anniversary!!!

Did not know this. Now I'm really ecstatic.
Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 8:48 pm | #116
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Remake announced for XBOX ONE and PS4
(that was the PSP Japan-only game)
I liked Nintendo's press conference a lot. Zelda/Skyrim looks great. New Star Fox Wii U announced. And new JRPG Xenoblade for Wii U. Overall (for 2014) I'm most excited for Dragon Age Inquisition, then Assassin's Creed Unity, followed by Super Smash Bros U.
I do still have some hope for Elder Scrolls Online, we shouldn't forget that's coming out (on Xbox One) by the end of 2014, too.
(that was the PSP Japan-only game)
I liked Nintendo's press conference a lot. Zelda/Skyrim looks great. New Star Fox Wii U announced. And new JRPG Xenoblade for Wii U. Overall (for 2014) I'm most excited for Dragon Age Inquisition, then Assassin's Creed Unity, followed by Super Smash Bros U.
I do still have some hope for Elder Scrolls Online, we shouldn't forget that's coming out (on Xbox One) by the end of 2014, too.
Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 9:16 pm | #117
I really want a WiiU now!!
Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 10:46 pm | #118
Quote by theEVOL1:
I really want a WiiU now!!
This looks so crisp. At this point I don't care about 3rd party support, that's what Xbox / Playstation is for. I'm having a lot of fun with my Wii U. There's Steam Machine news... that Alienware is abandoning it & just releasing a Windows/Steam based console by the end of 2014, entry price point $569. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be getting that anymore- I'll just stick with Xbox One and Wii U. $300 entry fee for games like this, the Zeldas, Marios, and the whole Wii catalog, is more appealing.

Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 10:53 pm | #119
hmm that's a pretty old screenshot of the character select screen right? or is it just fan made?
Re: Re: E3 2014 thread.
06/10/14 11:46 pm | #120
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
hmm that's a pretty old screenshot of the character select screen right? or is it just fan made?
It's from Game Informer's E3 coverage, not sure if it's old... but it says 'amiibo' on player 4, which was announced today- apparently there's 34 confirmed characters, so a lot of unlockables.