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Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2

News | March 20, 2010 8:47 am

With the new Stimulus Map Packs coming out on the 30th of the month. Infinity Ward is going to have a Double Experience Point weekend from April 2nd to April 5th. So pick up your favorite gun, lay down the $15 and hop in on your favorite new maps to level up quickly.
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Archived: Article Discussion: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2

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Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
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Finally waiting for double exp.

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Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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This might actually make me want to play MW again :D

But until then, I need that last damn gun in the Medic class! Only 8K away.
Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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FINALLY some double xp!! Cod WaW had double xp every couple of months and it was amazing! Too bad mw2 is only doing it to get people to buy their new maps.
Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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I think its too little too late they just want some of the people that play Battlefield to start playing MW2 again. It took MW2 almost half a year for a double XP or some DLC and Battlefield well, one day and now more achievements and map pack.
Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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not only a little too late for new maps, but $15 for them?!?! and 2 of them were already on cod 4. thats ridiculous.
Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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MW2= Fail
Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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i'm down for double xp :) been wanting to level up to 60+ so those stuck up "leet" people quit looking down on me, even though i play better than half of them -_-
Re: Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Xbox America Friend
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Quote by iKhaotic:

i'm down for double xp :) been wanting to level up to 60+ so those stuck up "leet" people quit looking down on me, even though i play better than half of them -_-

I dunno if ur 0 prestige its hard to impress people, im not gunna lie i expect lower levels to be bad until they show me their good lol
Re: Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Xbox America Friend
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Quote by xX RFW ICON Xx:

MW2= Fail


I've been debating on getting the new maps or not. Though double xp will be great. I'm not sure if that will help with my decision since I am addicted to BC2 online.

Deleted User

Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
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I've been a LEGIT 10th prestige for a while now (30 days played), but this will give my friends a chance to catch up to me so I'll pass the word along.
Re: Re: Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by xXo Rooster oXx:

Quote by iKhaotic:

i'm down for double xp :) been wanting to level up to 60+ so those stuck up "leet" people quit looking down on me, even though i play better than half of them -_-

I dunno if ur 0 prestige its hard to impress people, im not gunna lie i expect lower levels to be bad until they show me their good lol

yeah i'm 0 prestige. i only have 10 hours clocked on MW2 (about the same amount on CoD4). but i'm not a noob and do the stupidest things like running out in the open, spraying, etc. i support my teammates (even though i don't get any in return), play smart, and most of my games my k/d is positive. there are those games that i'm unfortunate and run into a clan on TDM, but oh well.

Re: Upcoming Double XP Weekend for Modern Warfare 2
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Double exp? how?
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