Xbox News
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Join the Blur online beta
Information regarding the free, open Blur online multiplayer beta starting March 8th, 2010.Rock Band DLC for March 9th
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
MLB 2K10 Avatar Jerseys and Hats
No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
Does any one play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2? Does any one plan on playing it and getting the DLC for it? Well, as you can tell from the title there is no DLC for it at all! I was planning on playing co-op with my brother on MUA2, but before we started I wanted to download the juggernaut character. So i went to the marketplace via, and could not find the game in the marketplace.New Halo Reach Trailer is the shizz!
Infinity Ward leaves Activision
In sad news today, Infinity Ward, creators of such games as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was dropped from the Activision label. There's no news on how this is going to effect Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 since Infinity Ward owns the copyright to the Modern Warfare franchise.Xbox Block Party Avatar Gear and Avatar Deal of the Week
Splinter Cell Conviction Limited Edition Console
Megaman 10 coming to XBLA - March 31st
Don't turn on your PS3 today - seriously!
Okay, first off thanks to Four Channel for giving us the heads up on the site about this problem. Seriously though folks, if you have a PS3 that is not a slim one then don't turn on your PS3 today.Rock Band DLC for March 2nd
Lookit, I'm doing the DLC Announcement this week! Power wrested from the greasy clutches of HMXHenry! Enjoy these tasty tracks on this delicious Friday. Or don't.Mass Effect 2 Firewalker DLC coming to Cerebus Network
Block Party Special Offer
Alpha Protocol Release Date Revealed
Obsidian and Sega have announced that the official release date for the upcoming spy RPG Alpha Protocol is now June 1st for North America. Europe will get the game on May 28 and Australia on May 27th.
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