Snoopy Flying Ace Game Review

Snoopy Flying Ace for the Xbox LIVE arcade is based on the Peanuts franchise but takes a slightly different approach than the TV show we all know and love. The game is a sequel to the 2006 game Snoopy versus the Red Baron, which features Snoopy fighting in World War 1.
800 Msp.
Now, I'm gonna be honest here. The only reason I bought this game was because my friend insisted that I do, claiming it was the best arcade game and the best investment on the LIVE arcade. Now, these claims had to have some merit to them, so I decided to take the plunge and download the game. Twenty minutes later, I was experiencing Snoopy Flying Ace.
For a ten dollar arcade game, this one delivers big time. Not only does Snoopy feature a fully functioning (and highly addicting) multi-player mode, but also a single player, or co-op, campaign. The campaign can be played locally with a friend or over Xbox LIVE. It can be beaten in around two hours, which is saying something for an arcade game. You will also be playing it a lot more if you're a completionist going for gold medals.
Campaign 7/10
Now, once you've had your fill of campaign, it's time to take to the skies for the first time (and most definitely not the last time) Multi-player has some customization features as well. You can choose your own plane from fifteen different options, as well as choose your pilot from a few Peanuts characters, or fly as your very own avatar.
The game includes a ranking system which you will seek to dominate if you wish to complete the game. Chalk it up with earning level 70 in Modern Warfare 2 in terms of difficulty. The online modes range from Dogfight, which is equivalent to free for all, Team Dogfight, Capture the Flag, Pigskin, which is equivalent to King of the Hill, and a few other unique game modes. There are over 15 secondary weapons for you to choose from to arm yourself with as you do battle, ranging from EMP blasts to Shotgun rounds.
Multi-player 9/10
Now onto some of the games aesthetic aspects. The visuals are more than up to scratch for an arcade game, very visually pleasing. I found myself being distracted by the Eiffel Tower in the middle of a dogfight and soaring over the Sphinx of Egypt. Your aerial battles will take you across many different beautiful environments. This is only made better by the games soundtrack, which features instrumentals and vintage WW1 sounds.
Visuals & Sound 7.5/10
Okay, wafflers, I know you've been waiting for this part. Bad news, though. Snoopy Flying Ace is not a quick 200 by a longshot. Be prepared to play a lot of multi-player if you hope to complete this one. However, if you do reach the coveted Flying Ace rank on Xbox LIVE, you will feel pretty accomplished.
Achievements 6/10
Final Word
Now, so far you could say I have nothing but good things to say about Snoopy Flying Ace. And you would be right, I have wracked my brain searching for a fault hidden amidst the immersive multi-player and entertaining co-op campaign, and my search for some small error has come up with no results. Snoopy Flying Ace for the Xbox LIVE arcade is everything it claims to be, does not pretend to be something else, and does everything better than I could have asked for. Hands down the best arcade game I have ever bought, an amazing investment. I urge you to play it at least once, you won't be dissapointed.
Overall rating: I give Snoopy Flying Ace a 9 out of 10.