If Only Science Class Was Like This: Portal 2 Review

Personal Unrelated Note: You never expected the otaku to do a review for Portal 2 now did you lol. I've been meaning to do this review for quite some time now but I've been busy doing other things so I figure I might as well do it now while there's no one online to play Blazblue Contnuum Shift II with. Also please don't be surprised if I leave out some details about the game, I'm not hardcore into Portal like some might be as I am with my anime games but I still think its significantly fun enough for me to want to write a review on it
The concept behind Portal is pretty simple, you make can make two different colored portals and they let you go through each other to do crazy fun stuff. Portal 2 delivers a hilarious but also challenging single player and co-op mode. Though it seems like you have to play Portal I to fully understand the story, it doesn't mean you cant just go straight into Portal 2 and still have fun.
Beside the Portals you have many other alternatives or tools to solving a puzzle such as Thermal Discouragement Beam (lasers), Hard-Light Surfaces (a light bridge you can cross) , Repulsion Gel (a gel that lets you bounce like a trampoline) , Propulsion Gel (makes you go as fast as a race car), Conversion Gel (turns surfaces into surfaces that you can create a portal out of) and Excursion Funnel ( a blue stream of fun stuff that levitates you and leads you towards a certain direction).

"Who needs space walks for a birthday party when you can have a test chamber"
In Single player mode you play as a Female protagonist and you are forced to go through various test chambers under GLaDOS' supervision, along the way you meet Wheatley who plans an escape out of the endless test chambers. And from there the rest would be spoilers who hasn't played the game lol. Ill let those who are unfamiliar with the game though (the VERY FEW of you here on XBA) that the game doesn't just consist of test chamber's, at some point in the story mode you are in a more open environment and you have to use your surroundings to make it to your destination.
And besides all that the best part about the story is the dialogue and the voice acting of GLaDOS' and Wheatley, if there some was something else i was paying attention to aside from what ever obstacle they threw at me ... it was probably whatever it is Wheatley or GLaDOS' was saying (and later on in the game Cave Johnson) . And example of some of their golden moments (and to be as spoiler free as possible): Wheatley
My only complaint with the story is that it was too short, of course it would probably be longer to those having trouble with the test but to those who solved with ease probably didnt spend too much time in this mode.

"Wheatley: Its okay the only thing you have to worry about is dying ... which isn't so bad ... unless you really do die"
Co-op mode is probably one of the most fun you can ever have in Portal 2. You and your "Partner in Science" play as Atlas and P-Body and go through a bunch of test chambers under GLaDOS' supervision (again!) and you are given the task of making it to the vault to find her more human test subjects. There are 5 courses in total all of which introduce a new mechanic to help you solve your chambers. What makes Co-op so fun is that not only do you get to work together with your friend to solve these puzzles but screwing with your friend by replacing a Portal to make them fall to their death is always priceless.
Of course Portal 2 doesn't end here though, there's always DLC. From what the details state it will include "test chambers for players, leaderboards, challenge mode for single and multiplayer modes, and more. " So use your imagination and that's what we'll probably get. Also according to one of my friends he's already playing around with a level editor and making his own test chambers, not sure if he hacked it out of the game or what but it sounds pretty interesting.

"Okay here's the plan, you run in there and distract the death traps ... while I think of something"
As far as achievements go the game is basically a puzzle, following a guide will easily need you the 1000 (but wheres the fun in that right ?). The only achievement that could be a hassle is Professor Portal and Friends with Benefits but so long as your not a friend-less loser im sure you'll be able to find someone to aid you. If you need help in regards to any of the achievements please refer to any of the guides below:
LeadExample/Portal 2 Achievement Guide (Fizz & SideDish)
PS3T/ Portal 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (Setsuna)
Overall i give Portal 2 a 9/10, anyone who plays Portal will have fun doing it (unless they're straight up stupid, then its just like school to them), its easy to get into and have fun with your friends and listening to Wheatley and GLaDOS' witty remarks never get old. Valve has really outdone themselves and even the trailers can serve as selling point for any gamer (Portal 2 Trailer: Trust) the only pet peeve of mine is that i would have liked for it to be a little longer. Though everything is pretty straightforward once you completed it once, it doesn't mean you cant still have fun doing it a second time I just wish there was more you know.