Re: Game not over, man: New content keeps old games alive
07/28/10 2:29 am | #20
well, altho i will admit, i dont really lean either way on the point of DLCs. are they ways to make more money? duh. are they ways to enhance a gamers experience w/ a game? yes.
BUT, it doesnt always enhance and is sometimes just to make more money. sometimes DLCs are just retarded and pointless or are so glitched to fuckery i cant even stand them.
the borderlands DLCs. now, i will say, zombie island is worth 400 points. no 800, hell no. but deff 400, imo. the 'braaaaaaaaaaaaains' mission was a pain in the ass (it was the last one i did, i didnt know where to find it) but besides that, it was ok. had some good weapons n shit every now n then. overall, ok. worth 400. mad moxxis underdome riot. was. such. fucking. shitl i almost cant even bear to complete it! but its all i have left to do, complete mad moxxis. but that dlc is so stupid and trash i cant even comprehend it...i guess the bank addition was ok, but not really, the secret armory was great. yes, it was a pain in the ass to go from place-to-place but overall it was a very well made DLC. worth 800 points, imo.
now for fallout 3. i found broken steel, the pitt, and point lookout pretty worth it. all had a pretty good story, some good side quests and loot and shit like that. those were worth the 800. but anchorage and zeta were...ehhh...zeta was only good for more alien weapons. i didnt even play it on my account. i watched my bro play. it was ok. anchorage was just...idek. idk why that was a DLC. not worth 800. neither was zeta. zeta is MAYBE worth 400, but idk. anchorage is worth like 80...or just free
so i mean, you have some DLCs that are SO worth their 800 mPoints price (like secret armory, broken steel, etc etc) but some that arent (zeta, mad moxxis, etc) so i mean, its really just a 50/50 coin toss when you buy a DLC. it could be good, it could not be. you just never know. but i really hate when an awesome game gets a stupid/glitched-to-fuckery DLC, kinda ilke l4d1 w/ Crash Course....i LOVED l4d1. like omfg. i loved that game w/ a passion. i got the full 1000 (i didnt lobby glitch no expert, i only glitched the nothing special and untouchables, but they were more exploits not glitches) and so when they said it had DLC i got excited.....but crash course is so glitched to fuckery its almost dam near impossible to get all of its achievements! like omg