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Xbox Achievements

Editorial | November 30, 2007 11:08 am
Alright, so what is it that the Xbox 360 has that no other Next-Gen system has? What one thing about the 360 that is so addicting that there are entire websites based on it? ACHIEVEMENTS!!!

Let's face it, those things are addictive. I can't help but smile when I see the little 'Achievement Unlocked' icon, and can't help but check my gamerscore after it appears. Achievements are just fun, and they are the main difference between games released for the 360, and games on the PS3 and Wii (aside from stellar online play). So why isn't Microsoft pushing that fact?

The way I see it, the achievements are Microsoft's chance to push even more games and systems. Think about it, how cool was it to play Halo 3 and get a new Helmet or Armor just from an achievement? How fun is it to discover you have a new GamerPic just by unlocking an achievement in Hexic? Microsoft could use this 'secret weapon' to push even more games.

Right now, I have a Wii and a 360, and will eventually get a PS3 (MGS4), but if I have a choice between a game that is available for all three systems, I immediately go for the 360 version, just because of the achievements! The GamerScore also makes me play games I wouldn't have normally even tried out back in the day (Maddens, King Kong, etc.), but I'm discovering how much I was missing by playing these games and love some of them (Viva Pinata!!!).

Now you say "Well, that's great Hektic, but I don't care about my gamerscore, so I want to see the uber-graphics of the PS3 or use the Wii-Mote to rock out." This is the base that Microsoft can reach out to! Alright, say you wanted Guitar Hero III for the Wii to check out Wii's online play and you liked the thought of not having to use batteries (The guitar is powered by the Wii-Mote), what if it had been announced that when you completed the Whammy-Mania achievement on the 360, you unlocked a hidden Iron Maiden song not available on the other versions? I can see something as simple as that would make gamers want the 360 version.

All of their big games have done it to some degree; Halo and Gears stand out in my mind. How cool was it when you set the picture you got for earning "Seriously..." as your gamerpic and everyone was like "OMFG You got Seriously?!" Gamers work hard for those achievements, and while they are rewarding just to get them (COD4 anyone?), I see them as an untapped opportunity for Microsoft to reach out to an even larger gamer base.
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Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
Burnt Waffle
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Achievements are very interesting look at the dynamic of modern gaming and gamers alike. They make you do things you would never do: play like a madman or press the A button for hours on end (madden 40 years).

A great sense of accomplishment and pride comes with them, per say, an electronic trophy to wave around.

I'm an achievement whore. I force myself to play games sometimes, just for points. I don't care for shitty movie licensed games, but yet I still 1000 them out at the expense of my sanity.

At the same time, AP can introduce me to a game I normally would give you winks to a shit about. Two Worlds, for example. I won't elaborate on its redundancy or its lack of... well, most everything, but rather, in my quest to get that ridiculous end game achievement (Defeated the Grand Enemy - 370), I found myself actually having fun. Had it not been for that massive achievement, at least AP-wise, I dont think I would of dredged through that monstrosity.

The face value of a game can usually be determined by a quick glance of its AP list. Some games just give off a stink just by assessing the amount of detail and care (or lack thereof) that populate the list. At the same time, that can be a games saving grace and some of these games I've played I wouldnt of ever even thought of picking up, got played for the sole reason of harvesting their precious, sexy points.
Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
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wait.. u get a free maiden song for getting whammy mania?! *runs to xbox*
Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
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I agree with you guys, achievements have broadend my gaming spectrum to games I would have never played before. I love achievements and find them to be highly addictive!!!!!
Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
Burnt Waffle
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actully i think microsoft was slightly smarter not marketing this.
they advertise and sony and nintendo see it thereby adding it to future consoles. but if it stays "underground" then they big wigs will see it as a feature highly uneeded and if you look at the sales rates microsoft doesnt need any more 360 sales you get hooked on acheivements then your 360 craps out so you buy another. ridiculous? i think not
its called marketing
Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
Burnt Waffle
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Yes i agree tottaly, achievements are what push me
When i got 1000 gs i was like "yes! ppl wont call me a noob anymore" But then it quickly started coming faster, and i loved the adrenaline when i that little ding ^^

Sure my friends call me a "GS whore" But come on its fun and i enjoy it =]
Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
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I have been discussing the same thing on another forum.

Despite minor issues, I think Achievements are awesome and I definitely agree that they give me incentive to play games I normally wouldn't play, and to play the ones I already have longer than I might otherwise.

Jimjom I did the same with Two Worlds, hung in it just for the score, but I couldn't even make it to the end XD
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Re: Editorial: Xbox Achievements
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Quote by Tehmuffinator:

Yes i agree tottaly, achievements are what push me
When i got 1000 gs i was like "yes! ppl wont call me a noob anymore" But then it quickly started coming faster, and i loved the adrenaline when i that little ding ^^

Sure my friends call me a "GS whore" But come on its fun and i enjoy it =]

I am proud of my GS whore title and i wear it proud!!!!!!! haters below me is what the are!!!!! lol
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