Quote by PSORaine:
Remember, this demo is 5 months old, it's just the reworked Japanese demo. This is by no means indicative of what the final game will be, except the sheer levels of awesomeocity.
And I never once ran out of ammo in the demo, and that's giving Sheva every other drop. This isn't a machine gun, shoot blindly, have 20% accuracy and get through the level game. This is a shooter where you don't take the shot if you're not sure.
It's just soooo fun!!! I can't wait for it!!!
Also, I believe there are 3 difficulty levels, amateur, normal and professional, and I think the achieves for difficulty are stackable, at least that is what I heard.
When you watch Sheva, she fires the machine gun like a freakin rifle. I mean, I've heard of burst shots, but seriously...
Anyway I'll probably play it on professional because I love playing survival horror games on the hardest difficulty. It'll probably be easier than dead space's hard difficulty... everytime someone attacked me I shit my pants.