Archived: problem
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: problem
01/25/11 1:41 pm | #2
Yeah I just tried to sign in after reading this. I got the same message saying the email or password may be incorrect.
Re: problem
01/25/11 1:59 pm | #4
I got a message that read "oops, this isn't supposed to happen, you must have found a glitch in the system" or something to the affect. Also, I've been loosing connetions on games. I was playing one of the meta games in Halo and all of a sudden my friend was kicked out...same thing on Command & Conquer 3
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:00 pm | #5
Broken for me as well.
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:02 pm | #6
Whenever I try to manually update my XBL info on here, it says its unable to do so.
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:02 pm | #7
haven't had a problem with it.
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:20 pm | #8
that's weird it worked for me earlier but now it comes up with invalid password
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:35 pm | #10
Yeah it works for me now also
Re: problem
01/25/11 2:36 pm | #11
Mine is finally working too
Re: problem
01/28/11 4:41 pm | #13
I doubt that this is the case but are you guys trying to log on with your smart phones? It happens to me when I use my phone but not when I log on with my home computer.
Re: problem
01/28/11 6:05 pm | #14
Had the same problem, seems to be fixed though. Netflix was out for me last night as well though. Going to fire it up tonight and see if it is up and running.