Most of you may have seen Wik: Fable of Souls on the XBLA Arcade Compilation disc #2, or maybe have seen it on the XBL Marketplace. I was not going to give this game a chance because it seemed very boring and hard to control. My girlfriend on the other hand thought otherwise and immediately fell in love (with the game

With over 120 levels and different modes; Challenge Mode, Adventure Mode, Survival Mode, etc. Wik was definitely a very fun game and for 800 Microsoft points or 10 dollars you can't really go wrong with this one. Once you get the hang of the controls the game becomes very exciting and the overall goal is to help Wik get his family back.
The overall gameplay of the game is very simple, A is jump, X is swing, and Y is used to eat bugs or shoot bugs with acorns or other bugs. The goal of the game is to help Wik save the grubs from a certain doom of being eaten or carried off. There are also jewels in most levels that you can collect for extra points.
The achievements for the game are pretty straight forward and fairly easy to attain. With an exception of a few hard levels once you really get deep into adventure mode or challenge mode. There was also one very tedious collection achievement which consisted of collecting EVERY jewel in the game, luckily they were only in the Story/Adventure mode. Overall the game took me about 15 hours to complete (but my girlfriend did about 13) and it was pretty fun after I gave it a chance.
Overall I'd give the game a 7 out of 10 because sometimes the grubs you're suppose to save commit suicide and screw up your level which can be very frustrating! Once you finish it there is still a lot to do and this really adds to the replay value. The graphics are pretty trippy with different types of tie-dyed levels and mushrooms but overall really add to the game. This may not be a game for the completionist because it can get difficult, but if you stick with it avid gamers should have no problems getting the full 200 points.

Hope some of you decide to give it a try.