Archived: Who Plays GTAV?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 1:16 am | #1
By a show of hands, who still pwns at GTAV ?
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 2:10 am | #2
I haven't touched that game in a long while. When my friends and I would get on there, we would lose track of what we were doing and solely go for breaking into the military base to steal a fighter jet.
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 3:19 am | #3
I get in a session here and there.
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 8:25 am | #4
I play from time to time.
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 8:28 am | #5
34 million people according to the sales

Re: Re: Who Plays GTAV?
08/06/14 1:58 pm | #6
Quote by Circus:
34 million people looking according to the sales 

Re: Who Plays GTAV?
01/31/15 8:00 am | #9
I've played it maybe 3 times. These games never were able to hold my attention for whatever reason. My brothers play it a lot still
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
02/04/15 1:28 am | #10
Haven't played in quite a while. I played the hell out of story mode. Completed the main story and most the side stuff before even going online. Then got hooked to the online but got sick of waiting and waiting for any quality DLC. I saw where they finally added heists. Are they any good? When the fuck are we gonna see some story mode DLC?
Re: Who Plays GTAV?
02/04/15 10:59 am | #11
I still play every now and then, mostly solo (both offline and online games) since none of my friends play. Still waiting on the heists DLC to drop (rumored Feb 24). Thinking about getting back into it and playing a bit before the DLC comes out.
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