Archived: Where is Onslaught mode
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Where is Onslaught mode
06/22/10 6:33 pm | #1
does anyone know why or where or when onslaught mode is going to be released for BF:BC2? The store says it's supposed to be available today. Just wondering if anyone was heard anything?

Re: Where is Onslaught mode
06/22/10 6:36 pm | #2
Re: Where is Onslaught mode
06/22/10 6:42 pm | #3
I was looking forward it today and it was delayed.
Re: Where is Onslaught mode
06/22/10 6:45 pm | #4
Wow... What a joke on there part. I mean what have they delivered on time?
Re: Where is Onslaught mode
06/22/10 6:51 pm | #5
wow, that totally blows..... EPIC FAIL EA!!!
Re: Where is Onslaught mode
06/23/10 2:49 pm | #6
The news came with the appointment of a new community manager on the Battlefield Blog, who signed off his introduction by declaring that Battlefield: Bad Company 2's Onslaught DLC will be available for Xbox 360 on June 24th for 800 Microsoft Points.
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