Archived: what do u think is better the mw2 map pack or the bfbc2 map pack
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: what do u think is better the mw2 map pack or the bfbc2 map pack
03/31/10 3:47 pm | #3
BFBC2 map pack is free. MW2 is ripoff for 1200 msp who hell want to pay almost $20,00 for that map pack. BFBC2 map pack is better.
Re: Re: what do u think is better the mw2 map pack or the bfbc2 map pack
03/31/10 10:26 pm | #9
Quote by Cristian:
mfbc2 map pack aint free i seen it yeaterday on the game marketplace and it said 1200 microsoft pts so i dont know where your getting that from
It's free if your VIP and basically everyone is.
Re: Re: what do u think is better the mw2 map pack or the bfbc2 map pack
03/31/10 10:29 pm | #10
Quote by Durtie:
It comes down to taste. If you hate MW2, then of course you're gonna hate the map packs. I play MW2 everyday, so why would I not get the map packs? I just think that alot of people think its cool to hate on MW2. In the end, MW2 sold alot more copies than BC2 and people will be playing it longer than BC2. At least I will. 

Why Durtie why!!???? MW2 sucks!!
Then again you are right it all comes down to taste I personally Despise MW2 It is a big pack of fail packed into a small box
BFBC2 Rocked my Sox All the way, even without the maps BFBC2 IMO is better
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