Archived: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
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What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 6:48 am | #1
I personally am not doing anything except for handing out candy to the few children that actually live near me in this small town. If more people lived nearby or I felt like driving somewhere I would definitely be dressing up in the Bed Intruder Costume. So the question is: What are YOU doing this Halloween?
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 7:45 am | #2
I know I'm going Trick or treating with my friends as Iron Man ^_^.... I'm still young at heart!!!
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 8:03 am | #3
Thats hilarious that they made a costume for the bed intruder, I might go to my moms and grub on some food and I think we may go to haunted houses either Friday or Sat night.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 2:50 pm | #5
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 3:01 pm | #6
Me and my girlfriend going to Howl-O-Scream at Bush Gardens on Friday.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 5:03 pm | #7
Me and My Girlfriend are taking her aunt's kids for trick-or-treating. I'm happy that my girlfriend is coming along, but the kids; Ugh, this should be realllyyyyy enjoyable. ;_; *Loads Gun*
Re: Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 5:09 pm | #8
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Trick or treating with our kids. I never dress up because women's costumes are REALLY slutty and whoreish- even from Walmart. I'm not walking around with my kids with my ass hanging out. -_-
My 7 year old is going to be Link (from the Twilight Princess era) and the baby is going to be a duckling.
My 7 year old is going to be Link (from the Twilight Princess era) and the baby is going to be a duckling.
I'd have no shame in dressing slutty with my ass hanging out. That'd be hot! Don't know what the neighborhood would think, but fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 5:22 pm | #9
Haha, I wanna dress slutty with you ShadowMachine.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 5:39 pm | #10
This is it.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 8:41 pm | #11
going to watch the walking dead
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 10:48 pm | #12
Zombieland baby. Double tap.
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 11:49 pm | #13
getting drunk
Re: What are you doing for Halloween 2010?
10/25/10 11:56 pm | #14
Well I'm not handing out candy that's for sure, cause I live in the ghetto, and I'd rather not get shot because I didn't hand out watermelon or grape juice. That was wrong lol.
I'll probably be playing either Fable 3 or Force Unleashed 2.
I'll probably be playing either Fable 3 or Force Unleashed 2.