Archived: Tiger Woods 07 Boosting B4 Ea closes the servers
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Tiger Woods 07 Boosting B4 Ea closes the servers
04/25/10 12:55 pm | #1
I was thinking about going down to my local game trading store and picking this game up to get the 3 online achievements out of the way before the servers get shutdown, i was on to look at the guide and it said that the 5 tourney wins cheevo was glithced could someone confirm or deny this to help me make up my mind if im gonna get this game or not
Re: Tiger Woods 07 Boosting B4 Ea closes the servers
04/25/10 1:22 pm | #2
It's not really glitched, you just can no longer get that achievement. EA hosted tournaments when the game first came out but stopped hosting them a long time ago, so you are now unable to get that achievement.
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