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Archived: Synonymous Gamertags
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Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:28 pm | #1
I have a game and I'd like to see how well it works!
You take the name of an active member and use Synonyms to replace words in their tag or username and the next poster has to guess what member is being named. Then they do the same for different member.
For example I say:
Apex Canines
The next poster would say:
Top Dogs
This thread/game is NOT for insulting any other members, so please be considerate! Get out a thesaurus and let's see how creative we can get!
I'll start out!
Unadulterated Malice
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:48 pm | #2
I'm not home yet, posting from my phone, so I will not be posting a new one yet.
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:50 pm | #4
Quote by theEVOL1:
I have a game and I'd like to see how well it works!
You take the name of an active member and use Synonyms to replace words in their tag or username and the next poster has to guess what member is being named. Then they do the same for different member.
For example I say:
Apex Canines
The next poster would say:
Top Dogs
This thread/game is NOT for insulting any other members, so please be considerate! Get out a thesaurus and let's see how creative we can get!
I'll start out!
Unadulterated Malice
Pure Evil
True Motivation
Hope I did that right.
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:53 pm | #5
True Motivation = Real Impulse?
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:54 pm | #6
Yup! You got it!
Real Impulse
Tiny Shrek
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:55 pm | #7
yeah yeah its Oger but shrek is a Ogre 
Re: Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 4:55 pm | #8
Quote by theEVOL1:
Yup! You got it!
Real Impulse
Tiny Shrek
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:04 pm | #10
Kent keeps getting it right, but doesn't post a new one!
And yeah, it's hard to account for misspelled names, so we have to make due!
This may end up more difficult than I had imagined! lol
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:06 pm | #11
here we go STD this is a better one for your's
Rubbernecker Breast (old GT)
Re: Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:06 pm | #12
Quote by theEVOL1:
Kent keeps getting it right, but doesn't post a new one!
And yeah, it's hard to account for misspelled names, so we have to make due!
This may end up more difficult than I had imagined! lol
Yeah, it might be hard... but it's definitely a great idea for a game. I haven't been able to figure one out yet, but at least I'm having fun!
Witness Boobie!
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:08 pm | #13
Now make up a new one, Stake!
Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:12 pm | #14
Sorry man, took me a minute.
barbaric domain
Re: Re: Synonymous Gamertags
02/03/10 5:30 pm | #15
Quote by Stake:
barbaric domain
untamed element?
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