Archived: suspended account.... help
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suspended account.... help
09/06/09 4:29 am | #1
today when i went on my xbox and tried to log into live, a message poped up saying my account has been suspended due to payment issuses. then when it directs me to the account managment page i dont know what to do after that to change my payment options to put a different credit card nnumber in. does anyone know what i have to do?
Re: suspended account.... help
09/06/09 8:23 am | #3
I think you have to do it through the web site now. I'm not sure if you can from the console. I just changed mine a few weeks ago an it was pretty easy on the Web site.
Re: suspended account.... help
09/07/09 5:45 pm | #4
i had this happen to me to and i couldn't get onto my account for like a month before it finally let me play.
Re: suspended account.... help
09/07/09 6:10 pm | #5
Got to go to and change your payment
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