Today's review is for the game Naruto Rise of a Ninja. Someone might expect this game to be reviewed by Four Channel or SetsunaFSeiei, but believe it or not, I am actually one of the four people on Xba that actually go crazy for anime except I don't express it as much as the other guys......... or girls. Lets get started.
Naruto Rise of a Ninja, is based solemnly on the TV series, starting from the first episode and ending at the first appearance of Sasuke's brother. There have been a lot of Naruto games that suck, but not this one, because it was made by Ubisoft! I am a fan of the show also, and I will clarify on how good this game is.

Now, I don't need to tell you what Naruto is about if you watched the show, but if you need an explanation, I'll clarify using Martin Joo's two styles of the English language.
Super Hyper's Consultive explanation of the Naruto storyline
A Nine Tailed fox once threatened the Hidden Leaf Village, but the mighty beast was slain by the 4th Hokage, the leader of the village. He sacrificed his life in order to seal the spirit of the Nine Tailed fox in the body of a little boy. The boy's name was Naruto.
Naruto grew up to be a trouble maker in the village. Truth is he had no parents to raise him. He is also disrespected by everyone because of the beast inside his body. And so, Naruto wants to become the next Hokage, and lead the village so everyone will respect him.
A decent plot, and if you watch the show, from the beginning to end, it is as exciting as Dragonball Z.

Super Hyper's Casual explanation of the Naruto Storyline
A Nine Tailed fox once threatened the leaf village, and the mother fucker starts killing ninjas. YEAH! Good start, then some guy that looks like James Hetfield walks in on his battle toad, and steals his soul! OH yeah, a blonde guy kills a Nine Tailed fox! Too bad the fox wasn't a foxy lady, because than it would be more interesting.
Hey wait a minute, they stole the nine tails thing from Pokemon! What, Viz can't come up with some original shit? That reminds me that I've got a level 45 Nine Tails on Pokemon Blue. If anyones willing to trade for it let me know. I wanna get rid of him or her (I wasn't really paying attention to the gender) cause it sucks. The dumb ass can't do a single battle right. I mean, she's not bad, (oh wait, it was a she) but I wanna trade her in for a Regi Ice. Really, I need one, because I owe a guy a Regi Ice after I lost that drinking contest... oh wait a minute, Pokemon Blue doesn't have Regi Ice. Man, I can't remember which version it was, but seriously, trade with me now!
Oh sorry, I got off track there for a second. Did I mention that Naruto is blonde? Have you ever seen a blonde ninja before? Seriously, that is so retarded. Ninja's ain't blonde! Seriously, who comes up with this shit? Maybe if Naruto was a girl, I'd be interested... Oh wait, he turned into a girl in the first scene! Yeah, what was it called again? Sexy jutsu? Sexy juice? Juicy Juice? Oh, that be cool if Juicy Juice could do that.

No matter what way you view the Naruto storyline, it will appeal to all views of how you perceive it. Although I'd say the worst part of the game was the story line because they modified it. In this case, they over did it, and I hate when they change a good storyline. They even added missions that weren't related to the TV series in any way, and there were plenty from the TV series which they could've added. Even some of the voices were changed. UNACCEPTABLE! It changes the plot too much and it can ruin the next game (which I haven't played yet, and I hope it didn't).
Now, Naruto is a fighting game, but it also revolves around exploring the world portrayed by the TV show. When you come across a bad guy, you engage in combat just like you'd would in any fighting game. But a lot of the enemy types are repetitive, and you fight them one at a time. It can be boring especially if you only know so many moves. You can learn more of them by spending some cash. On the plus side, this fighting isn't bad at all. It's not horrible but it is fun and innovative, and it won't have you tearing your controller to pieces. What I would've liked was to see the option to play as other people in the storyline, not just Naruto.
Now, putting graphics from a TV show into a video game is hard to make look good. In the case, the graphics are....

Wow, it's so good, so peaceful, so cool! It makes me want to press my face against the TV screen and make out like in the movie Poltergeist, where the guy just............. lets move on before I do it again.
As for the sound, I'm glad they put in some of the original tunes from the TV show in. Oh, but that voice work really is dumb. You'd know it could be better even if you weren't a fan of the show. Trust me. I swear you can tell the voices are different in the game from the animated cut scenes.
Now, I already said as much as I could about this game. Overall, the game gets an 8.1. The modified story line and the repetitive fighting is all what stands in the way of this game. Also, some achievements are online and can be hard to get without finding people online to play with. Also, some achievements require finding all the ancient coins. Problem with this is that there are so many that you can't just put them all onto a map and find them, it can be painstakingly time consuming, and there all at different locations and altitudes. AND TRASH CANS!
And we are done. This game will get you about 500 achievements in one play through.
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go drink some J.................... never mind.