Archived: suggestions?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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08/09/09 2:48 pm | #1
well im about to start playing spiderman friend or foe for the easy 1000 pts. i kno the achievements need u to find every secret and collectables but is it a game that i need to follow a guide? i found one but i hate following guides if i dont have to. a quick response would be great bc im starting this as i type!!
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:49 pm | #2
if you think you'll need a guide, use a guide, simple as that

Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:52 pm | #3
its not if i think ill need one its how hard it is to find the secrets. if u havent played the game how would u kno
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:53 pm | #4
I just finished Friend or Foe this weekend. You don't need to use a guide. But if you don't, some of the collectibles can be a little irritating. I had a guide up on my laptop while I ran through so I didn't miss any. Because if you miss one, you have to replay the whole level again to get the one you missed.
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:53 pm | #5
can u give me th site u used for the guide. the one i have is lame. its like step by step
Re: Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:54 pm | #6
Quote by orange20:
its not if i think ill need one its how hard it is to find the secrets. if u havent played the game how would u kno
i have played the game at a friends house, it sucks
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:56 pm | #7
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:57 pm | #8
yea thats what i got. its annoying that it is step by step. i wish there was just a secrets guide. this is like reading a damn book
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 2:58 pm | #9
try cheatcc, they usually have pretty decent gameguides
Re: Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 3:01 pm | #10
Quote by orange20:
yea thats what i got. its annoying that it is step by step. i wish there was just a secrets guide. this is like reading a damn book
Towards the bottom of the page they have the locations in there own list apart from the normal walkthrough. Though you may want to use the normal guide because for the achievements you also need to collect keystones and open the doors they go with. The guide tells you where both are. Sometimes they are on opposite sides of the level and require backtracking.
Re: Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 5:13 pm | #12
Quote by Lady Evol:
I don't think you really need a guide... the collectables sparkle, and if they're off screen, when the page loads up, it shows them for a sec. It was tough for my son, I had to go back through levels to get stuff he missed, but he's 6 and not too observant. You have to play through a million times anyway to get the $ to level all your guys up...
I just replayed the last level over and over and over. You get 3000 exp for beating the level and it is the shortest of all of the levels.
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 5:23 pm | #13
If you need a guide a good place to start is if no one has directedyou there already?
Still trying to find out when games had to have every secret found in one play through..... whatever happened to enjoying a game for what it is? I know this did start with gamescore by the way.
Still trying to find out when games had to have every secret found in one play through..... whatever happened to enjoying a game for what it is? I know this did start with gamescore by the way.
Re: suggestions?
08/09/09 5:29 pm | #14
Its a easy 1000 never had to use a guide when i played it it on my other gt
Re: suggestions?
08/10/09 4:08 pm | #15
thanks all for ur input. i just finished the game for the 925 but im not going for the last 75 bc i gotta get the game back to gamestop so i can get my money back, THANKS AGAIN!!
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