Suddenly... They're... Everywhere... November's Community Spotlight

AJ: Well, well, well. As someone who used to be a staff writer and someone who has been around XBA as long as you have, I'm surprised this hasn't already happened.
I guess you should probably evaluate your standings with everyone on the site and perhaps open a few cans of whoop-ass. I'd help, but.. Fuck it, I'll help. Why don't you do as everyone does first (I think it's mandatory) and tell us a bit about yourself.

Mudkip: Ah yes my days as a staff writer, how long ago that seems nowadays. It's hard to believe I've been a part of this site for five years already and I'm just now getting the spotlight. I'm sure this has to do something with someone in the higher up ranks being racist against Mudkip kind. It's alright though, good things come to those who wait right?
I'm hoping that my standings with people are good, if not well...I don't really have anywhere to go with that one I will however open a few cans of whoop-ass just in case someone wants to throw down. Guess I'll just tell everyone here a little something something about me now.
I'm 24, living in Lockport, NY. I stress the city only because whenever I tell people I'm from New York state for some reason that gives them the idea that I live in New York City. When in reality I live closer to the Niagara Falls/ Buffalo area. It's not the greatest place to be but for the time being it's close to family and friends so it all works out for the time being. Besides I was born and raised here, so leaving is a little hard but I know that time will come.
I currently only have one job, which is working at a Drive-In Theater. Basically I make sure people park correctly and are at the right screen. It's a hell of a job and you meet the strangest people there, for the most part people are friendly and do as you tell them to. That is unless it is sometime during the summer months and we're showing a family themed movie. When that happens all bets are off.
When I'm not barking orders at people, or getting yelled at for just enforcing the rules of the Drive-In I'm usually gaming. While it's been a long while since I've played anything on my 360 (PC games are super addicting right now). I have played my share of games on PC that are linked to my gamertag so I can increase my gamerscore whenever I feel like it.
AJ: I wasn't around when you were staff, most active members now probably weren't. Why'd you give it up? Was Meta the reason? I bet Meta was the reason, fuck that guy! Seriously, he can fuck off and die, maybe that's a little extreme, how about we just exile him to Guam?
When you were staff, I bet the site was very different than we know it now. What were the main differences between then and now? Also, what was your favorite and least favorite change to the site since the olden times?
Mudkip: Oh it's been far too long for me to remember the exact reason why I had hung up my staff cape. I'm just gonna stick with you on this one and somehow put the blame on Meta, I'm pretty sure I remember him throwing a coup d'etat to take my place.
The site has indeed changed a whole heck of a lot since back then, both good and bad as change can be sometimes. When I joined the site, it was still in an infancy stage and it showed sometimes. People would argue over the smallest things sometimes and just all around ruin the mood of a thread or even the entire site. I think it was mainly a lot of the time it was younger users in their teens getting a little hot headed. Of course sometimes we'd just have all around jerks join the site and be quickly removed (R.I.P. CASPA CROES).
Then there was the time when new members would constantly spam the board with threads all talking about the same thing, this of course led to the creation and introduction of the search bar. It was something that was asked for and was desperately needed, and once it was in place the site seemed to instantly clean up.
The upcoming events calendar is one of the best things I think I've seen come from this site. It's an easy way to set up a game and time for when you want to game with folks. It's a good way to relax at the end of the day, or spend a weekend as you try boosting achievements (CoD 3 and GoW has to have been the most boosted)
Well the events calendar is probably my most favorite change, as for my least favorite it would probably be the loss of a lot of members that were around when I first joined up. Some of them either left on bad terms, and others just stopped coming here. We all had some really good times and I know that sometimes these things happen, it just kinda makes me wish for the simpler times back then haha.
AJ: You got a fucking cape?! Where. Is. My. Cape? I bet Meta's bitch-ass has them all stashed away so he never runs out. What a douche.
I believe I joined the site shortly after CASPA was banned because he was the hot button issue at the time. I do remember there being a lot, A LOT of flame wars. I'll admit I was part of most, but I regret nothing! Muahaha.
Ok, on a more serious note. You've said you're really into PC gaming as of late, why's that? And what games do you favor on the PC?
Mudkip: Well it may not have been regulation and I may have fashioned it myself in an attempt to pull a MacGyver. Either way it didn't turn out all too well and isn't anything to be jealous of. No screw that be jealous.
I had my hand in a few war of words with members back in the old days, it happens to us all. All you can do is move on and accept what's in the past. I think it was something needed, made the site stronger somehow. Being able to overcome problems and such.
As of late I've been doing my gaming on PC mainly because about two years ago I built my own PC from scratch, and a good majority of my friends got into playing games on Steam. As of late I've been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 both on my own and co-op, really loving the game so far. If I'm not playing that me and my friends are either playing Torchlight 2, Killing Floor, Red Orchestra 2 or Team Fortress 2.
I've been wanting to get back into playing some more on my 360, as I feel bad that all it does is sit there. Maybe Halo 4 will bring me back to the console gaming side for a little while. Just gonna have to wait and see.
AJ: My friends and I*
I had to do it, I just did!
Ok, now that the usual questions are out of the way. Let the kink begin.
If you had to chose between Emma Stone's head on Meta's body and/or Meta's head on Emma Stone's body, what/who do you choose and why?
For all intensive purposes you HAVE to choose one, and you will be judged. I mean won't be judged. Sorry. But seriously, that's a hard one, huh?
Mudkip: Ah I knew I'd mess up sooner or later and have to be corrected by the resident grammar Nazi haha.
That question isn't even right, I mean who would think up something so horrible as this. Oh wait, it was you. You thought of this, it's all your fault. Well since I have to choose and be judged somehow I think I'd have to go with Meta's head on Emma's body. I think that's the lesser of two evils, I mean it's still a terrible terrible thought but this one will most likely cause the least amount of nightmares.
AJ: Hahaha, good answer. I'm sure Meta will be thrilled! But seriously, that question has already given me a few nightmares already. It's just... You can't win... Either way.
Onto more srs busns. I only know what a Mudkip is because of your old signature and the pokeyman that is usually included in the image search results when looking for aforementioned signature picture. So, my question is, how did you become the man known as a/teh/omfg Mudkip?
I've always wondered about this and this is the perfect time to ask! I think this is also something I would blame on Meta, but Meta usually only has his hand in causing chaos, not awesome shit. Annnd, GO!
Mudkip: Well you are correct in not blaming Meta for this one as he actually had nothing to do with it whatsoever. It was actually a joke between me and another member Taco (he's had ton's of names on this site, I'm using his most recent). One day me and him were playing a match in Halo 3 on the map Valhalla, now to those of you who have never played the game there is an area of the map that is a riverbed. Well he had gotten me by surprise and almost killed me but I pulled some maneuvers to actually turn the tables and kill him. He made a comment that since we were in the riverbed when I killed him after he had practically drained all my health that I must have been given some power from the water, henceforth he referred to me as Mudkip ever since and it prompted me to change my name on here to reflect it.
AJ: Damn... But it's such an thing to do, using Meta as a scapegoat is probably my favorite internet past time, besides porn, xbox live, porn and looking at cat pictures. I mean... Facebook. Yea, just Facebook.
I tried to get some staff to throw some of their questions in the mix, but no one has replied yet... Douches. Guess I'll keep this thing going.
Are you currently anticipating any games? I know I'm waiting for Forza Horizons and Halo 4, I actually used a lot of vacation days to play Halo with a few of my buddy's locally. Can't. Fucking. Wait.
Mudkip: Meta is a good scapegoat to have around to put the blame on for things I will give you that one. I'm not gonna comment on your internet past times. You just go ahead and look at all the cat pictures that you can handle. There's a joke in there somewhere I just know it.
As for games that I'm looking forward to I'm interested to see how Halo 4 does, but I'm certain that it'll be a game that I'll pick up right away. As big of a fan I am of the series I can't shake the feeling it's just going to feel like a game that was just put out for money. I absolutely can not wait for BioShock Infinite though, I loved the first two games and am very interested in seeing how this game plays.
Other than those two though, nothing has really made a ping on my radar enough for me to take interest in.
AJ: Can't wait for Halo 4 myself. From the videos I've seen it seems like it's going to be a pretty solid game. The promethean vision looks pretty ridiculous though. For anyone who hasn't seen the videos, it's pretty much Halo's answer to CoD's UAV. It shows the entire other team on the player's screen; through walls, vehicles, pretty much anything. In my opinion, something like that could break the MP for this game, especially if hackers find a way to keep it on indefinitely.
Well, I asked the other staff if they had anything to ask you and no one came back with anything for you so I guess it's solely on me. That's fine, they're all terrible, terrible people anyways (I'm joking, OR AM I?!).
I know in a prior question you said you worked at a Drive-In Theater, that's not your career of choice, amirite? If you could have any job (being somewhat realistic), what would you want to do?
On the flip side, if you could have ANY job (be as unrealistic as you want), what would you do now? As for me, I'd want to be a trillionaire, renegade, thong (hot females only, sorry fatties) inspecting, ballin' ass mofo. Your move, Mudkip.
Mudkip: Yeah, when I first saw gameplay of Halo 4s single player certain points just made it look more like Metroid Prime. Mainly the part where the chief changes his visor vision to see his enemies. Then you have the armored unit in multiplayer. I'm just unsure whether or not longtime Halo fans like me are gonna really like some of the new additions that 343 are adding. Guess it's just something that we'll have to wait and see.
You are indeed correct in assuming that drive in work is not my choice for a career. I went to college for computer networking so Im hoping to get some good experience around where I live before I move onto bigger and better things.
Ridiculous job eh? I'd have to go with professional Emma Stone stalker. Wait, what do you mean that isn't a job.
All those years, wasted.
AJ: Well, Mudkip was MIA for quite a while (probably due to the Hurricane, hope everything is alright), luckily I was able to get pretty far into the spotlight. I guess he'll have some explaining to do in the comments and he can answer any questions you may have for him!
Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to answer most of my questions, hope you enjoy the shades!