Strapping Young Lad is an Extreme metal band that has has a rather well balanced line-up since their first album. the line-up for the majority of the albums were: Devin Townsend(Vocals, Guitars, Fretless Bass), Jed Simon(guitars, general kickass-ery), Gene Hoglan(Drums, random fatness), and Byron Stroud(Bass, guy-who-constantly-looks-like-he's-constapated). unfortuantely, '07 was the last official siting of SYL, who claimed to have broken up in '06. Byron Stroud joined Fear Factory for their Archetype album+, and Gene Hoglan joined FF later for Mechanize to fill in for Raymond Hererra, who was with Arkaea. Jed, Gene, and Byron were with Tenet for a while, as well as Zimmer's Hole. funny Devin Townsend wanted nothing to do with any of those bands. anyway, their final album, Chaos Years, is their greatest hits, and my favorite album of them all. it took their bast songs, and remastered them to great lengths. literally. their song Shitstorm sounded like, well, shit before it was remastered. all the songs flow together perfectly and flawlessly, which is what i love about the album. Devin puts Howard of KSE to shame with his Opera voice. the best show of it is the chorus on the song "Wrong Side". it almost echoes.

for those who dont like constant "fuck"s, and being told "fuck you", this isnt the band for you. Devin has a severe potty-mouth. but the album is all over good, no problems at all with sound quality or song choice for that matter. the special edition comes with a DVD second disc that has their concert at Download Festival, along with other live performances and music videos. "Love?" has suck an awesome video, it takes place at the house from the "Evil Dead" movie, and even follows certain parts of it, like where the evilness takes over Ash's Arm and black lines go flying up his arm, that happens to Jed. then there is the chainsaw hanging on the wall. very funny. SYL has been a very good band, and i plan to get more of their albums besided what i already have: Chaos Years and The New Black. the album gets a solid 5/5.

left to right: Stroud, Hoglan, Townsend, Simon
i forgot to mention Townsend has 16 dreads and a bald spot. awesome