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Archived: Strange GT in MW2
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 6:57 pm | #1
I was play MW2 while ago and came across strange GT in MW2. Have anyone seen this before??
Sorry about image is too big
Sorry about image is too big
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 7:01 pm | #2
I think you can do this with certain key combos with a key board. I know in cod 4 you could do a similar thing with clan tag. But i am unsure how he got it on the regular gamertag
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 7:02 pm | #3
Also it looks like you were in a modded game on rust. So thats probably y you could see it
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 7:04 pm | #4
That's weird
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 7:06 pm | #5
His GT is: I Hack
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 7:07 pm | #6
Its just a mod that lets you change your GT through your computer
Re: Strange GT in MW2
12/18/09 11:55 pm | #8
All modding should = permanent-banhammer.
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