Archived: Still cant see my state ranking?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Still cant see my state ranking?
08/10/11 4:04 pm | #1
Hello out there gamers. Can anyone help me get ranked in my state? I set all my privacy settings to everyone but im still not ranked? It shows my xbox america rank, what am i not doing right? Help a fella gamer out plz anyone.
Re: Still cant see my state ranking?
08/10/11 4:12 pm | #2
It shows you haven't had a refresh in a day and a half. You probably need to force a refresh so it will see that your settings are no longer private.
Go to "User CP" then to the "Xbox Live" tab and click the refresh button. Should fix it in a few minutes.
Go to "User CP" then to the "Xbox Live" tab and click the refresh button. Should fix it in a few minutes.
Re: Still cant see my state ranking?
08/10/11 6:19 pm | #3
Did it work, Ace?
Re: Still cant see my state ranking?
06/06/12 5:22 pm | #4
How come mine has showed up since I've signed up and now it's gone. I've updated and what not.
Edit: never mind.
Edit: never mind.
Re: Still cant see my state ranking?
06/07/12 2:48 am | #5
What did he get banned for?
Re: Re: Still cant see my state ranking?
06/07/12 4:32 am | #6
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
What did he get banned for?
He talked about Fight Club.

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