Now that he’s been dead for 6 months you can get past all the hoopla/sorrow that was poured out for the guy(deservedly or not), and maybe have a real opinion of the guy.

My own personal thoughts on Jobs was that like most “visionaries" he was a Master Salesman, meaning there was often more hype than the actual product deserved. Getting you to buy the newest and greatest(read more expensive) version of the product he was hawking. To back that up how many of us purchased an iPod when they first came out? Pretty much the same device as Sonys’ Mini Discman for those old enough to remember. How many folks bought an iPod Touch, or as Jobs once referred to it as “training wheels for the iPhone” which was, in it’s purest form an iPod that you could play games on? Basically every release of an Apple product while Jobs was at the helm was missing something(seeiPhones 1-4) it should have had i.e. a good camera/video camera, processor, wireless, 3G network access, battery life, etc.

What are your thoughts?

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