Archived: stackable games
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stackable games
12/07/10 3:33 pm | #1
I purchased viva pinata on pc for .99$ the other day and saw on that it is a stackable game. i understand the concept of stackable games. But, do you need to own the 360 and the pc version to stack them. or can you just play either to get 2000 gs
Re: stackable games
12/07/10 3:35 pm | #2
You need both. It's not going to count the achievements twice. You need to play it on the 360 and then on the PC. They're completely different so no game saves carry over or anything.
Re: stackable games
12/07/10 3:37 pm | #3
thank you. that helps me out a lot.
Re: stackable games
12/07/10 4:07 pm | #4
You can also get 5000 on Batman Arkum Asylum by playing the regular AND GOTY editions on the 360 and PC and then playing the PAL version.
Re: stackable games
12/07/10 4:08 pm | #5
Same with Shadowrun, but good luck getting a boosting group for that...
Re: Re: stackable games
12/07/10 4:35 pm | #6
Quote by xMike:
Same with Shadowrun, but good luck getting a boosting group for that...
Does Shadowrun really stack?
It doesn't list a set of achievements for the PC version at x360a....
EDIT: Nope, Shadowrun is just the 1 set of cheevo's, no matter which system you play it on:
That thread lists all games with stackable achievements.
Re: Re: Re: stackable games
12/07/10 4:39 pm | #7
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by xMike:
Same with Shadowrun, but good luck getting a boosting group for that...
Re: stackable games
12/07/10 6:00 pm | #8
Fallout 3, with dlc, (360 + PC version) will net you 3100 gs.
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