Archived: splinter cell conviction
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 2:44 pm | #1
seen a lot of my friends playing it on xbox, haven't had a chance to pick it up. is it worth buying?
Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 2:50 pm | #2
theres an official splinter cell thread already made, and yea its pretty good, i 1ked it pretty quick though, good for coop
Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 2:54 pm | #3
cool thanks circus. i've been trying that gamefly out. Its really nice because i live in delaware so the distribution center is in Pittsburgh. i get my games in about 2 days.
Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:08 pm | #4
yup, very fun game and amazing co-op. if you're a Splinter Cell veteran though, the game is a tad short, but still worth every minute!

Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:11 pm | #5
Screw this game! I beat it on realistic (solo) and it didn't unlock. Thanks ubisoft!
Re: Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:17 pm | #6
Quote by Bay:
Screw this game! I bet it on realistic (solo) and it didn't unlock. Thanks ubisoft!
same thing happened to me haven't played it since
Re: Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:20 pm | #7
Quote by No dice x 302:
cool thanks circus. i've been trying that gamefly out. Its really nice because i live in delaware so the distribution center is in Pittsburgh. i get my games in about 2 days.
Re: Re: Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:27 pm | #8
Quote by A Silent Circus:
Quote by No dice x 302:
cool thanks circus. i've been trying that gamefly out. Its really nice because i live in delaware so the distribution center is in Pittsburgh. i get my games in about 2 days.
I watched all ~20 minutes of the credits, never changed the difficulty, nor did I ever quit to the dashboard... At the ubisoft forums they said just be patient (and not to replay it) because the are working on a patch this was on 4/19/10. However, x360a says you can replay the last two missions on realistic and it should pop...
Re: splinter cell conviction
04/29/10 11:46 pm | #9
o, shit, i would just try replayin from the last checkpoint of the last level first before doin the last 2 missions and see if that works, if it does ud save alot of time.
Re: Re: splinter cell conviction
04/30/10 6:56 am | #10
Quote by A Silent Circus:
o, shit, i would just try replayin from the last checkpoint of the last level first before doin the last 2 missions and see if that works, if it does ud save alot of time.
Yeah, that's my problem realistic isn't necessarily hard but it is time consuming. Due to the fact that you have to use some level of strategy.
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Either way I need to get the achievement for letting Reed live.
I'll try the last check point tonight!
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