Soul Calibur V Title Update Dated
News | March 15, 2012 1:13 pm

Soul Calibur V Update on the Horizon
Hang on to your hats fighting game fans, as the recently released Soul Calibur V is set to get a free title update. Namco Bandai recently announced that the update will go live on March 21st. The update, which Bandai has mentioned that the update is based on fan feedback, and changes include:
- Balancing of the entire character roster
- Various gameplay tweaks
- Optimized ranked online game searches
Namco wasn't nearly as exhaustive with their list of updates as Dice was with the recent Battlefield 3 Update, but good news for SC fans nonetheless. Proper DLC for Soul Calibur V is set to launch on April 3rd, which will begin monthly costume packs up for grabs in the game's Creation Mode.
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