Archived: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 5:29 pm | #2
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 5:31 pm | #3
*facepalm* can't believe Harmonix is going Pop wtf...
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 5:45 pm | #5
Just plain terrible!!
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 6:20 pm | #7
Yay! Um I mean... 
South Park is cool. Should be hilarious to play.

South Park is cool. Should be hilarious to play.
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 6:33 pm | #8
As a die hard techno/trance fan....Lady Gaga is a disgrace
As a die hard techno/trance fan....Lady Gaga is a disgrace
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 7:21 pm | #9
I just threw up in my mouth a lot!

Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 10:40 pm | #10
that sucks so much, what are they doing to rockband? as if country songs weren't bad enough they are putting that he/she on. Yes thats right look it up she was born with a penis lol.
If anything I might download the cartman one because that is funny
If anything I might download the cartman one because that is funny
Re: Re: Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/09/10 11:33 pm | #12
Quote by animefr33k:
Quote by clownzombie333:
that sucks so much, what are they doing to rockband? as if country songs weren't bad enough they are putting that he/she on. Yes thats right look it up she was born with a penis lol.
If anything I might download the cartman one because that is funny
If anything I might download the cartman one because that is funny
You know that was a rumor, right?
She did a Interview that she did say that was true.
Re: Rock Band DLC for March 16th
03/10/10 12:18 am | #15
this...thing i guess ill call her/ hideous. and whats up with all these rock band songs lately with a difficulty of 1 lol. o boy its fun to strum one note to a techno song for 4 minutes, im really gonna spend money on that shit...not. Rock band 3 was announced too btw.